Clinical Trials

ZILRETTA for Adhesive Capsulitis Flexion Therapeutics

Study Contact:

Kaitlyn Shank 434-243-5653

IRB-HSR 21584

IRB 21584- Werner

Inclusion Criteria

  • Patient with diagnosed idiopathic adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder
  • Symptoms present for less than 6 months (early stage)
  • Pain ratings of 5 or greater on a 0-10 scale
  • Patient must be able and willing to sign the IRB approved informed consent

Exclusion Criteria

  • Active workers compensation case
  • Known psychiatric disorders under active treatment
  • Uncontrolled Diabetes (defined as diabetic ketoacidosis, severe peripheral neuropathy, ophthalmologic or renal manifestations)
  • Diagnosed osteoarthritis of the ipsilateral or contralateral shoulder
  • Painful joint condition in another part of the body affecting perceived pain

Study Summary

  • Baseline: Consent, review of inclusion/exclusion criteria, questionnaires
  • Injection: Free ZILRETTA injection (brought to clinic by Kaitlyn), blood glucose measurement if diabetic (done within 4-6 hours of injection- patient will call kaitlyn with reading)
  • 1 Month: CRU visit- shoulder exam and questionnaires
  • 3 Months: CRU visit- shoulder exam and questionnaires
  • 6 Months: CRU visit- shoulder exam and questionnaires
  • 12 Months: CRU visit- shoulder exam and questionnaires


  • $200 total
  • $50 for each follow up visit (1,3,6,and 12 month)

Study Cost Coverage

  • Covered by patient/ insurance: baseline clinic visit and injection fee. Blood glucose is checked at home with the patient’s own supplies.
  • Covered by the study: CRU follow up visits (1,3,6,and 12 month visits), ZILRETTA injection
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