Clinical Trials

Cervical Stim


Christiana Booher


Inclusion Criteria

  • Male or female, ≥ 18 years of age at the time of Informed Consent
  • Requires a cervical fusion surgery within 30 days of Informed Consent signing. Surgical approach is at the physician’s discretion.
  • Subject has one or more high risk factors:
    1. Is currently using nicotine
    2. multi-level cervical fusion surgery planned
    3. Prior failed fusion at any cervical level
    4. Subject reported diabetes
    5. Subject reported osteoporosis
  • Body mass index ≤ 45 kg/m2 at the time of consent.
  • Must have reliable access to an iPhone or an iPad with Wi-Fi access for downloading the free device-specific app (iPhone 5S or higher, iPad, iPad Pro, iPad mini or iTouch using iOS v.9.3 or later)
    1. When the android version of the mobile app for the CervicalStim device becomes available (estimated to be Dec. 2017), subjects who have reliable access to devices using android operating systems will be eligible for study inclusion.
  • Able and willing to complete electronic questionnaires and able to read and understand study instructions in English
  • Able and willing to comply with the study plan and able to understand and sign the study-specific Informed Consent Form (ICF).

Exclusion Criteria

  • Current alcoholism and/or any known current addiction to pain medications
  • Any active malignancy or prior history of malignancy within last 5 years prior to fusion (except basal cell carcinoma of the skin).
  • Any clinically significant finding that places the subject at health risk, impacts the study, or affects completion of the study, in the opinion of the Investigator
  • Any psychiatric illness that prevents subject from completing the assessments accurately, in the opinion of the Investigator
  • Prisoners

Follow-Up Schedule

  • 6 weeks (±14 days) phone call
  • 3 months (±14 days)
  • 6 months (±30 days)
  • 9 months (±14 days) phone call
  • 12 months (±60 days)

Procedures and Surveys at each Follow-Up

  • Motor & Sensory Neuro Exams (.orthofixcstimstudy)
  • Surveys: NDI, SF-36, EQ-5D, VAS
  • Update Medications
  • Monitor C-Stim Compliance Data X-Rays
  • AP & Lateral: All visits
  • Flexion & Extension: 12 month visit CT Scan
  • 12 month visit DXA Scan
  • Pre-op and 12 month visit


Total: $250

  • $50 after pre-op, 3 month, 6 month visits
  • $100 after 12 month visit
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